guy standing in front of group

Go deeper with others.


Our Deep Six discussion questions are designed to help you and a small group of friends explore the Sunday message during the week. Each study guide includes a message summary, extra resources, and six questions to help you apply the lessons to your own lives. Explore with your best friend, your family, or your CCC small group!

Life is better when we grow together.

Notes are uploaded weekly on Mondays.
August 18, 2024

 Road Trip – “Praying for a Miracle” 

All summer long we’ve been looking at the life and travels of the Apostle Paul in our “Road Trip” series. Wherever you stand on Christianity, there’s no arguing that the ministry of Paul changed history. How did that happen? It was largely due to Paul’s three missionary journeys, in which he preached and taught about Jesus – and performed a few miracles – in the crossroad cities of the Roman Empire. This week we find him at his best, in the city of Ephesus – and we can learn much from his teaching there.

June 23, 2024

 Road Trip – “Moments That Turn Into Movements” 

Our new summer message series kicks off this week combining three things many of us love: summer, road trips and biographies. This summer we’ll take a long look at the life and teachings of the Apostle Paul, perhaps the most influential man in history who wasn’t named ‘Jesus.’ Paul, also known as Saul of Tarsus – the traveler, the evangelist and the teacher – “The Apostle.” This week we look at two moments that started his journey – moments that became movements.

Looking for a group to explore with?