Our Mission:
We believe God is on a mission to give people a full life, as a gift. Our mission is to help you discover that life–more and more each day, wherever your story starts.
It’s a beautiful life of discovery.


Every church is different.
Our Story
Cape Cod Church was founded in 1992 by a young couple with a dream: to create a church that non-church people loved. Pastor Ben and Tammy Feldott held the first service in their apartment living room, and only two people attended (hint: themselves). Soon after, they began meeting in a rented plumbing building in Falmouth, which was not exactly the dream but is now cherished in Cape Cod Church history. The church grew to about 30 people, and some of our members today can still recall those early days.
In 1997, Cape Cod Church was able to find one bank that believed in them and scrape together enough volunteer labor to build a home of its own. The new building on Teaticket Highway drew curiosity, and soon the church began to grow. As things changed, Cape Cod Church continued to do what it had always done: create a welcoming space for everyone. Eventually, the church community outgrew that building too, and in 2011 the people of Cape Cod Church committed by faith to build a home that would not only house their community, but benefit the wider community. Over the course of three years, hundreds of people gave sacrificially to make it happen. In 2014, Cape Cod Church celebrated its first Easter at its new home on Route 151. Since then, Cape Cod Church has grown to a community of more than 2,000 people.
A lot has changed in 30 years. But the essentials remain the same: we are still passionate about Jesus, still passionate about creating a space where everyone can explore Him. We want to be a church where you can safely invite your friends. We believe God offers us a full life, as a gift. What should get in the way of that? At Cape Cod Church, you can belong well before you believe:you’re still family to us.
Core Beliefs
About The Bible
About The Trinity
About Atonement
About Salvation
About Faith
About Justification
Learn more about who we are.
Check out our vision for the future, with this message from Senior Pastor Ben Feldott.