Go deeper with others.


Our Deep Six discussion questions are designed to help you and a small group of friends explore the Sunday message during the week. Each study guide includes a message summary, extra resources, and six questions to help you apply the lessons to your own lives. Explore with your best friend, your family, or your CCC small group!

Life is better when we grow together.

Notes are uploaded weekly on Mondays.
June 2, 2024

 Valley Vision – “Looking Fear in the Face” 

Last week we kicked off a new series, “Valley Vision,” about finding new ways to look at and overcome the valleys in our lives. Our valleys often come in seasons, as we pass through low points and times of trouble. This week we consider the “stuff” in the valley that troubles us – and the fear that takes us there. Where does that fear come from? And how can we get beyond it – and out of the valleys?

Looking for a group to explore with?