Let's grow together.
We have a space for everyone.
Leading people to a growing relationship with God.

This is a place to connect and grow with God. Where paths begin - and begin again. A place where we can change direction and cross paths and keep on going. Find out more about what people at Cape Cod Church have discovered, through their personal stories.

Good things
start here.
Sunday, March 30, 12pm
Want to learn more about Cape Cod Church and how we got here? Join us for out next Discover Class with Pastor Ben! You’ll get to hear the back story, our vision for the future, and how you can get involved. This class happens right after our 11am service. Register today if you are interested in attending.
Saturday, April 5, 8AM
We are having a Clean-Up Day to do some spring cleaning to get ready for the upcoming holiday season(s) at our church! Come help us clean, prep, and spruce up our property. All you have to do to participate is: show up, roll up your sleeves, and get to work!
Friday Nights Starting in April
Ready or not, spring is here - and that means it's time to find your glove and start loosening up your arm for softball! CCC will once again enter two teams in the local church softball league, and everyone (16 and older) is welcome to play. Games are on Friday nights from the end of April until the beginning of August.
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