Rock and Sand – “7 For the Soul” 


In our “Rock and Sand” series we’ve been looking at the choices and decisions we make that affect our lives – and where those choices and decisions come from. Last week we talked about the “inner person,” and how to draw close to God; one of those ways was by asking God in prayer for what we need. This week we’ll unpack that a bit – because “asking God for what I need” isn’t as simple as it sounds.

1.  7 For the Soul (1 John 5:14-15)

  • Asking God to “fix” our circumstances – to fix the things that aren’t going well in our lives – comes naturally for most of us. We have an illness or a problem, so we ask God to make it better. And sometimes he does – and often does even more than we ask for. But sometimes he doesn’t…
  • The problem with praying only for our circumstances is that our prayers can often be at odds with God’s plan – and can also be at odds with other people’s free will. So how can we pray confident prayers even when we know that both of those things are true?
  • John writes that when we pray, we can be confident that God hears our prayers “whenever we ask for anything that pleases him” – and if he hears them, “he will give us what we ask for.” So how do we pray prayers that we know are aligned with God’s will for our lives – i.e., prayers that “please him”?
  • There are 7 things that you might consider praying for (beyond praying for God to fix your circumstances) that you can be confident God will hear and answer. These 7 things will strengthen and prepare you for any circumstances – especially the ones that don’t get “fixed” – and will, without fail, draw you closer to God and to his will for your life:some text
    1. Relationship with God (answers the question, “Who am I?”) – Teach me and remind me that I am, first and foremost, your child – one who is to find my identity in Jesus Christ alone.
    2. Relationship with my Family (answers the question, “What kind of family member will I be?”) – Make me the husband/wife/father/mother/child/sibling you want me to be, and help me put my family first above everything but you.
    3. Wisdom and Discernment (answers the question, “How do I resist pride and self-sufficiency?”) – Remind me that I am totally reliant on you for everything, especially the ability to make wise choices in my life as I seek to follow your will.
    4. Courage and Discipline (answers the question, “How do I overcome fear and laziness?”) – Fill me with the courage of your calling and the discipline to “run the race” no matter how tired or distracted I might get.
    5. Power in Preaching (answers the question, “Who do I think is in charge – me or God?) – Fill me with your Spirit and use what I bring (my gifts and talents) to your work, reminding me that it’s about what you do, not what I do.
    6. The People in Pain (answers the question, “What should matter most in my life?”) – Help me see and focus on those around me who are hurting and in need so I can serve and love them.
    7. Joy in God’s Presence (answers the question, “Where will my joy come from?”) – Remind me every day that I am yours, and that I’m part of the Grand Story of what you’re doing in the world – the most beautiful and joyful Story of all.
  1. Confident Living  (1 John 5:11-14) some text
    • The “7” aren’t meant to be a quick fix or a “recipe” for everyone. More importantly, they’re given as an example of tools that can lead anyone to pray confidently for things that “please God” – things that he will happily give us. When we pray that way, we can also live confidently, knowing for sure that we are living in and by his will.
    • Ultimately, John tells us, this confidence comes because of our relationship with Jesus Christ as his followers – the relationship that guarantees our adoption as sons and daughters of God. As his children, we can live confidently – and pray confidently to the Father who hears us and loves.


These passages may provide additional insights related to the subject of this week’s message. All verses are NLT unless otherwise noted.

Psalms 37:4; Matthew 6:7-13; Romans 12:1-2; Ephesians 3:12-20; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18; James 1:5-6

Video of the Week: The Lord’s Prayer by the Bible Project


  1. What’s one word you would use to describe your current prayer life?  Explain your answer.  

  1. What, if anything, stands in your way of having a more satisfying and productive prayer life? 

  1. Read 1 John 5:11-15 again.  After hearing this week’s message, how would you explain this passage to someone who didn’t hear the message?  

  1. Of the “7 For the Soul,” which one of the 7 prayers do you think you need to pray most right now?  Explain your answer.  

  1. The message reminded us that our “circumstantial prayers” are often in opposition to God’s will – and often are frustrated by the free will of other people. Why, then, should we keep praying for God to “fix” our circumstances – and the circumstances of others?

  1. From an outward perspective (i.e., what others see in and from us), what do you think “confident living” as a child of God should look like?

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